Federal 308 Win Vital-Shok P308C 165 gr Sierra GameKing BTSP 20 rounds

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308 Win
Bullet Weight:
165 Gr
Bullet Type:
Soft Point
Case Type:
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Out of stock

Quality hunting ammunition designed for maximum performance and reliability. Premium hunting bullets are matched with select powders, primers and brass to create a reliable, hard-hitting hunting cartridge.

GameKing Bullets are designed for hunting at long range, where their extra margin of performance can make the critical difference. GameKing bullets feature a boat tail design to bring hunters the ballistic advantage normally found with match target bullets. The streamlined tapered base of the boat tail greatly reduces drag, which results in higher retained velocity, greater striking energy, a flatter trajectory and less wind drift than comparable flat base bullets. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable cases.

Technical Information

  • Caliber: 308 Winchester
  • Bullet Weight: 165 Grains
  • Bullet Style: Sierra GameKing Soft Point Boat Tail
  • Case Type: Brass

    Ballistics Information:
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2700 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 2671 ft. lbs.

Federal 308 Win Vital-Shok P380C 165 gr Sierra GameKing BTSP 20 per box


Federal 308 Win Vital-Shok P380C 165 gr Sierra GameKing BTSP 20 per box

Returns Policy

  • We are unable to accept returns on ammunition. All ammunition sales are final.
  • It is up to the customer to know all local laws and obey them. By purchasing ammunition or magazines you certify that you are 21 years of age.
Delivery Date and Manually Reviewed Orders

  • We offer the estimated delivery date at checkout for UPS and Fedex shipping.  This is an estimate based on the current warehouse workflow and the shipping carrier's transit time.
  • If your order requires manual review the shipping date may be delayed.  Orders that need to be manually verified are flagged by our system.  Typically we flag orders for manual verification if the billing and shipping address do not match, we need an ID on file to ship the order, or if the order is from a first time customer for a large amount.  We will contact you promptly to verify your order or request an ID.  To expedite this process feel free to contact us in advance to verify the order or submit your ID.  Please submit the ID using the tools on the site to upload your ID.  This info is displayed below under your corresponding state.  Once you have been verified you will be put on a white list for future orders.  We thank you for your help.
Shipping Restrictions

Alaska No ammunition
California Must be shipped to an FFL or Licensed Ammunition Vendor unless you are an exempt peace officer.  IF you have an FFL03 we can ship ammunition to you once on file, but you must have an AVL issued by CA to transfer ammunition.
Click here to view the FFL dealers we have on file and instructions for shipping to a CA FFL or AVL.
Click here to upload your FFL or AVL information (LEO Credentials if applicable)
No tracer ammunition
No magazines over 10 rounds

No magazines over 10 rounds
Must have a Pistol Permit or Ammunition Eligibility Certificate on file
Click here to upload your CT Pistol Permit or Ammunition Eligibility Certificate

Colorado No magazines over 15 rounds
DC No ammunition, no magazines over 10 rounds
Hawaii No Ammunition, no magazines over 10 rounds, no Starter Pistols
Illinois Must have an Illinois Firearms Owner Identification Card, no shipments to Chicago.
Click here to upload your IL Firearms Owner ID Card
Maryland No magazines over 10 rounds
Massachusetts No Ammunition, no magazines over 10 rounds, no Starter Pistols
New Jersey No magazines over 10 rounds, must have a New Jersey Firearms Purchaser Identification Card to purchase ammunition
Click here to upload your NJ Firearms Purchaser ID Card
New York No magazines over 10 rounds
New York City No magazines over 10 rounds, all ammunition must be shipped to an FFL
Click here to upload an FFL