Sierra 30 Cal (.308 Dia) Reloading Bullets Gameking SRAA2125 150 Grain Boat Tail Spitzer Soft Point 100 Pieces

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Per Round Cost:

30 Cal
Bullet Weight:
150 Gr
Bullet Type:
Soft Point




30 CAL





Bullet Weight

150 Grain

Bullet Type

Spitzer Soft Point

Core Material



100 Count per Box

For rifles in 30 caliber, this bullet was designed for medium- to long-range hunting with cartridges having medium to large case capacities for powder. These bullets often display match grade accuracy from accurate hunting rifles. The famous Sierra Spitzer Boat Tail shape assures flat trajectory, excellent resistance to crosswinds and vertical winds, and maximum energy delivery to the target. Good penetration and expansion are characteristic of these bullets even at the reduced impact velocities at long range. With the weight range available, at least one of these bullets will prove ideal for almost any 30 caliber cartridge. The 150 grain #2125 bullet is best suited to medium game at all velocity levels.

In handguns chambering 30 caliber cartridges, prior to the introduction of the Remington Model XP-100 (and similar handgun designs) utilizing larger rifle cartridges, the usefulness of these bullets was limited. Now, these bullets have a very definite niche as superbly accurate hunting bullets. Previously considered “too hard” for expansion, they perform well at the 2500 fps muzzle velocities achievable in the 308 Winchester and larger cartridges. Ease of loading and precise concentricity contributes to their excellent accuracy. Sierra’s Spitzer Boat Tail design assures flat trajectory and high energy delivery downrange with low sensitivity to crosswinds and vertical winds. These bullets are suitable for varmints through large game at all ranges a prudent handgunner would normally attempt.

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